www.firefly.ma is a website dedicated to the personal information of its users. The presentation and the contents of this websitesite together constitute a work protected by the laws in force on the intellectual property. No commercial use and / or reproduction even partial of the data presented there cannot be carried out without preliminary written agreement.
ZI La lézarde
Hosting : OVH
Firefly Maroc
Publication Director
Guillaume Gery
Information and data processing
The collected data will be the subject of a computer processing intended for customers commercial management, by the company Infobam.
In accordance with the law "informatique et liberté" of January 6th, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you, as well as the right to oppose the processing of such data for legitimate reasons or their use for marketing purposes, including commercial use.
Intellectual property
Drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences with or without sound, and other documentations represented on this website are the property of their respective authors and publishers. Each of these reproductions is presented with all the information necessary for their identification. However, if authors and publishers wish to delete them, this will be done at their request. As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation, and / or transformation, partial or complete, or transfer to another site are prohibited. We cannot guarantee the content of this site against typing errors or unintentional omissions.
www.firefly.ma.All rights reserved. Texts, images, graphics, sound data, animations and videos as well as their layout on the webwebsites are governed by legislation relating to literary and artistic property and other protective provisions. It is forbidden to copy, share, modify or make available to third parties the content of these webwebsites for commercial purposes. We draw your attention to the fact that webwebsites contain images that are partly copyrighted by third parties.
The information, presentations and illustrations contained in the pages are provided for information only and are subject to change at any time without notice. Their use for private or professional purposes does not engage the responsibility of the editors of the site in any way whatsoever.
Consequently we disclaim all liability for any damages, direct and / or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, natures or consequences, caused by the access of anyone to the site or the impossibility of access to it, as well as the use of the website and / or credit given to any information directly or indirectly from the site.
The internet user may be given a password as part of the consultation of the site.
The password is confidential and for confidential use, so that the user agrees not to disclose it to anyone or in any form whatsoever.
The comments written by Internet users engage only their respective responsibility. www.firefly.ma cannot be held responsible for opinions expressed by users. However, we reserve the right to delete or modify any comments posted on the site if it is deemed inappropriate to morality.
We may include links to other websites. In case that we cannot control these external websites and sources, you acknowledge that we cannot be held responsible for the provision of these external websites and sources, and cannot accept any responsibility for their content.